Stamp Collecting

Bill Seymour's
Online Stamp Collections

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Argentina (1858-)

Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 34,672,997 (1996). A republic in southern South America. Independent from Spain in 1816, Argentina was torn by regional separatism through much of the 19th century. This is reflected in the issuing of separate stamps by several Argentine provinces during 1858-80. Large-scale European immigration and investment after the 1880s made Argentina the most economically advanced nation in South America. Since 1930, Argentina has, more often than not, been ruled by authoritarian military regimes. During World War II, the government was sympathetic to the Axis, and after the war, a large number of ex-Nazis found sanctuary in Argentina. In 1946, Juan Domingo Peron was elected president, and he dominated the country's political life until his death in 1974, although he was in exile 1955-73. Chronic, unresolved economic and social tensions erupted into virtual civil war during 1976-80. Both leftist guerrillas and the military government used terror and violence to further their ends, and thousands died in the conflict. During this period, the Argentine economy deteriorated badly. High unemployment and spiraling inflation provoked intense popular dissatisfaction with the ruling junta. Argentina's invasion of the Falkland Islands in early April 1982 was, at least in part, an attempt to unify the nation. Since 1983, Argentina has been ruled by a succession of civilian regimes. Since 1991, the government has been working to deregulate and stimulate the economy, with mixed results.

Stamp Collection


Frame 01

Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Corrientes & Argentine Confederation Postage Stamps
1862-1890 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps

Frame 02
1884-1914 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps
Frame 03

1911-1916 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps

Frame 04

1917-1921 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps

Frame 05
1930-1940 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps
Frame 06
1940 Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps

Specialist Items


Frame 01
Forgeries of Argentine Confederation Stamps and Cancels
Forgeries of Republic of Argentina Stamps and Cancels
Republic of Argentina Essays

Postal History Collection


Frame 01

Postal History of the Republic of Argentina

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Recommended reading

Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina by Guillermo Jalil & José Lui Gottig

Catalogo de los Sellos Postales de la Republica Argentina (Catalog of the Postage Stamps of the Republic of Argentina) by Victor Kneitchel (1958 or 1974 are best)

Los Matasellos Aplicados Sobre Sellos de la Confederatión Argentina (Cancellations on Stamps from the Argentine Confederation) by Mario D. Kurchan (1997)

Selecciones Filatélicas (Philatelic Selections) from Sociedad Filatélica Argentina and Asociación Filatélica de la República Argentina (Argentina Philatelic Society and The Republic of Argentina Philatelic Association) various volumes

Sellos Postales de la República Argentina (Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps) by Miroslavo Samowerskyj (various years, 1965 was the tenth edition, 1976 was the 20th); V. L. Petrovich (Less detailed than Kneitchel, but easier to find)

Sellos Postales República Argentina (Republic of Argentina Postage Stamps) by Daniel Hugo Mello Teggia (various years, up to at least 1998); An updated catalog based on the Petrovich catalog of the 1960s, and 70s.