Turkey (1863-)
Stamp-issuing status: active; Population: 63,528,225 (1997 estimate). A
republic in southeastern Europe and western Asia. The area now occupied by
Turkey was the center of a number of ancient civilizations, and it remained the
center of the Eastern Roman Empire for nearly a thousand years after the fall of
Rome. During most of this period, it was the dominant power of the region. The
Byzantine Empire, weakened by the inroads of Crusaders who found it easier to
ransack Christian lands than to fight infidels, rapidly lost ground in the 13th
and 14th centuries. The Ottoman Turks conquered the outlying provinces, and in
1453 they occupied Constantinople, which became their capital and the center of
their own empire. During the next century, the Turks conquered southeastern
Europe, North Africa and much of the Middle East. At its apex (1550-1683), the
Turkish Empire stretched from the borders of Poland and the Russian steppes to
the Sahara, and from Algeria to Arabia. From the late 17th century on, the
Turkish Empire became increasingly weak and poorly administered, and its
military power declined rapidly. During the 19th century, the territorial
integrity of the state was maintained only because the European powers could not
agree upon the division of the spoils. In a series of generally unsuccessful
wars during 1878-1913, most of Turkey's outlying provinces became independent or
were lost to its more powerful neighbors. In 1914, the Turks joined the Central
Powers. Their defeat cost Turkey most of its remaining territory, and by 1919
only Asia Minor remained. At that point, it became apparent that the Allies
intended to dismember Turkey altogether. In reaction to this threat, a
nationalist Turkish government was formed in Ankara in 1920, with Mustafa Kemal
as president. The Nationalists defeated the Greeks, whom they expelled from
Western Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace and compelled the Allies to withdraw from
the Dardanelles and Cilicia. The Treaty of Lausanne (1923) confirmed Turkish
independence and established its borders along roughly ethnic lines. Kemal
established the republic and launched an ambitious program of social reform and
industrialization. Turkey remained neutral during most of World War II,
declaring war on the Axis in February 1945. Since that time, it has been aligned
with the West and has been a member of NATO since 1952. Tension with Greece, a
fellow NATO member, over the status of Cyprus, has at times threatened to
estrange Turkey from its Western allies. During the 1990's, Turkey has been
plagued by ongoing armed resistance from its Kurdish minority and by the rise in
recent years of a fundamentalist Islamic opposition.
Stamp Collection
Frame 01 |
1863-1911 Ottoman Empire Postage Stamps
Frame 02 |
1911-1916 Ottoman Empire Postage Stamps |
Frame 03 |
1916-1917 Ottoman Empire Postage Stamps
Frame 04 |
1917-1922 Ottoman Empire & 1920-1921 Nationalist Turkey Postage
Stamps |
Frame 05 |
1921-1923 Nationalist Turkey & 1923-1938 Republic of Turkey Postage
Frame 06 |
1933-1940 Republic of Turkey Postage Stamps
& 1915-1916 Semi-Postal Stamps |
Frame 07
1916-1935 Semi-Postal Stamps, 1934-1937 Air
Post Stamps, 1863-1936 Postage Due Stamps, 1898 Thessaly Military Stamps &
1879-1905 Printed Matter Stamps |
Frame 08
1908-1920 Printed Matter & 1910-1935
Charity Postal Tax Stamps |
Frame 09
1936-1940 Charity Postal Tax & 1926-1933
Charity Air Postal Tax |
Specialist Items
Frame 01
Forgeries of Ottoman Empire Stamps
Postal History Collection
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Recommended reading
Burak Pul Evi Kataloğu:3 Spesyalize Türk Pullari Kataloğu (Burak Specialized
Postage Stamp Catalog of Turkey 1991/1992)
Pulhan: Türk Pullari Kataloğu XII (Pulhan Turkey Postage Stamp Catalog XII)
Pulko Osmali İmpararatorluğu ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Posta Pullari Kataloğu
(Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey Postage Stamp Catalog)
Michel Europa-Katalog 1991/1992 West M-Z
Yvert et Tellier Tome 3 2nd Partie - Timbres D'Europe de L'Ouest de
Heligoland à Yougoslavie (H-Y)
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalog Part 16 - Central Asia (Afghanistan - Iran -
Scott Classic Specialized Catalog of Stamps and Covers 1840-1940
Birinci Adana Serisi (The First Adana Set)
Burak Pul Evi Yayinlari No:2 Ilk Türk Pullari- Tugrali Pullar (The First
Turkish Stamps Stamps with the monogram of the Sultans